About Us

We know Charbrays like the back of our hand, and we know what it takes to breed cattle for today’s conditions and markets.


We come from a long history of commercial breeding, selling into all categories from weaners to bullocks. Our cattle have evolved from a relentless passion to breed the best Charbrays available and we stand by our commitment to offer cattle we would be proud to purchase ourselves.

As fifth generation beef cattle breeders, we are no strangers to the ups and downs of life on the land or the highs and lows of beef production.

Our passion for Charbrays originated in childhood- Bryce raised on his family’s cattle property, “Carbene,” near Bollon in South West Queensland, and Lucy on her family’s property, “Beaumont,” at Taroom, Central Queensland.

Truth be told it was Charbrays that brought us together, with early conversations delving into the merits of the breed and shared visions for its future. Experience told us Charbrays truly were the breed for every need and so we pledged to take what our forefathers had began to a higher level, offering new genetics with proven performance to the Australian beef scene. We’ve never looked back.

Charbray cattle speak for themselves, with their ability to fit into any market matching it with some of Australia’s leading cattle breeds. However, we felt Charbray’s merits as high performing cattle were often overlooked. The breed struggled with a limited gene pool making it difficult to expand its reach and impact on a broader scale. Here we saw only opportunity, knowing the variety in our genetic base placed us ahead of the game from the get-go. We also held ultimate faith in our breeding females- their progeny performing in the paddock, in the feedlot and in the show ring year after year.

Bull calves retained for in-herd use were reproducing and replicating at a very high standard, so much so we had numbers surplus to requirements. Rather than waste what we viewed as an ultimate chance for Charbrays to breed up, we considered how our cattle might benefit other breeding herds and decided to take steps towards becoming a registered stud. The road was long but a shared dream and passion for the breed resulted in our debut in the stud stock world in 2019. And so the dream continues.



Our investment in genetics began more than 30 years ago, when our parents began injecting Charbray bloodlines into their breeding herds. Originating from Brahman and Charolais parent breeds, the Charbray inherited the best of hybrid vigour- survivability and adaptability from its Brahman history and muscling and doabilty from its Charolais counterparts.

Over time, the Charbray found its way to the front of our respective families’ herds, standing out in weight for age, softness and fertility classes. They were a cut above the rest. Our parents moved to producing generation bred Charbrays, or Charbray over Charbray cattle and this resounding commitment to the breed is carried on in our work today. Our current reproductive program features bloodlines from more than 10 registered Charbray herds and we are seeing serious results from our push for perfection.

We view record keeping and data collection as a key to knowing and benchmarking our cattle. All cattle are monitored via NLIS paddock tracking, with cow and calf units paired at branding and repeated non-performing cows culled from the herd. This practice has significantly increased our offspring retained (bulls and replacement females) per cow capita.

Our breeders are mobbed according to type, with bulls assigned to suit the desired outcome for progeny. This option for handcrafting the ultimate Charbray article according to one’s personal preference is something we view as unique to the breed and certainly attractive to commercial and stud operators alike.Our emphasis on DNA testing has proved beneficial, highlighting sires with the biggest impact in our breeding program and allowing us to pursue semen collection and subsequent storage from these animals. Likewise, DNA results have affirmed our confidence in our cattle, where homebred sires have often been proven our best producers- consistency in spades.

Horn/ poll testing is also undertaken on all bulls retained, ensuring clients truly know what they are investing in. We are firm on our stance around temperament. Our family run operation has no place for cattle presenting bad dispositions. We believe this starts with quiet females supported by gentle and consistent handling, particularly throughout the weaning process. A kind eye and easygoing nature is the golden ticket in the Trifecta herd.

We aren’t yet where we would like to be, but we are on the pathway there.

Focussing on specificity in our breeding program has largely eliminated undesirable 
results in progeny and, as previously mentioned, our retention rates for both bull and female calves continues to grow year on year. Our desire has not wavered and our dreams for our operation and the Charbray breed moreover are as steadfast today as they were on day one.

We strive for consistency and quality in every beast offered for sale. We believe our genetics are highly valuable to fellow Charbray breeders and Australian producers in general. We are thoroughly enjoying building relationships with all clients and take extreme satisfaction from seeing clients return for our product.

We back you to place your faith in a Trifecta- the surest bet you’ll ever make.

Let's Talk Charbray

We know Charbrays like the back of our hand, and we know what it takes to breed cattle for today's conditions and markets. We come from a long history of commercial breeding, selling into all categories from weaners to bullocks. Our cattle have evolved from a relentless passion to breed the best Charbrays available and we stand by our commitment to offer cattle we would be proud to purchase ourselves.